• FFP2

    The FFP2 filtering face masks protect against at least 94% of harmful fumes, mists, dusts and liquids.

    FFP2 offer protection from fibrogenic particles, capable of causing immediate irritation and more serious damage, such as the reduction of lung tissue, over the long term.

  • FFP3

    An FFP3 filtering facepiece offers 99% protection. Its function is to filter pathogenic microorganisms such as fungi, bacteria and viruses as well as carcinogenic and radioactive substances.

    With the FFP3 filtering facial mask you protect yourself from liquid and/or solid substances, fumes and dusts that are toxic and harmful to the body.

  • FFP2 and FFP3 with valve

    The filtering facepieces, both FFP2 and FFP3 equipped with a valve , maintain their levels of protection and increase comfort if the mask is worn for a long time. In particular, the valve allows warm air to escape from the device, reducing humidity and making breathing easier.